Mr R Krishnan addressing 600+ budding Bankers at the Manipal Banking Academy, Bengaluru.
When the tail wags the dog, it’s always not bad or uncommon. It is probably just a manifestation of an evolving new cure that initially appears to look like a disease. When it comes to the world of Banking, channels started as being humble slavish tails wagged by the banking main stream that always wanted to parade its position, importance and dominance. In my address, I portrayed the basics, evolution and the power of banking channels that can effectively become a significant game changer for a Bank. Digital revolution and continuous innovation in the space of channels lead to a ruthless unleashing of power to reach the hitherto un-reachable. Banks that take the route of incremental innovation invariably tend to compete on insignificant metrics while those that usher in innovation as a culture in the organization will rule the roost.

All channels are equal. But some are more equal than others. The evolution of channels in banking – from the sole (read soul as well) branch banking channel to the evolving Omnichannel environment is breath taking. This was the focus under the topic of Banking of Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow which I addressed the largest audience (in my career spanning over 35+ years) under one roof. This was at the Manipal Academy of Banking where I addressed a large batch of 650+ budding Bankers at their large auditorium in in their Bengaluru campus. It was also a wonderful experience taking questions from the enthusiastic bunch of tomorrow’s bankers. Incidentally I also contributed towards increasing the average age of the group – albeit by 0.00000172!